I Made a game Inspired by the yellow wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Stetson in 1892 for Ludem Dare 49! The story is told from the perspective of a woman who is suffering from a mental illness, possibly postpartum depression. Her husband John trivializes her suffering and prescribes her “rest therapy”. Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” herehttps://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/theliteratureofprescription/exhibitionAssets/digitalDocs/The-Yellow-Wall-Paper.pdf

Just Barely finished and the game has bugs! Look for updates! Known bugs: Journal and desk need better artwork(LOL)! Want to add mini games to look out the window Want a scary platformer level and add a “Nighttime” level maybe.

Opening screen: press space to play

Main room:Use arrow keys to move around the room. Click on the door to know and hear some gaslighting dialogue from John! Move to the blank wallpaper and click on it to play the wallpaper platformer.

Platformer: Left and right arrows to walk and up to jump. The eyeballs are bouncy! Reach the Journal,the narrator’s Cathartic outlet, to return to the main room.

return to the main room: sorry didn’t have time for a better ending! But a smudge(“smooch”)has appeared. click on it to get the ending screen

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